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Study Abroad

No matter what your goals are, we believe that studying in another country will contribute to your academic, personal, professional, and spiritual development. The Global Engagement Office is here to help you plan a rewarding and meaningful international study experience.

  • Studying abroad is a great way to enhance your appreciation of global communities. These programs enable you to explore the rich complexities of diverse cultures and civilizations around the world.
  • Students from ALL degree programs are encouraged to learn more about study abroad opportunities at Marian University. No matter what you are studying, having an academic experience in a new cultural context will give you fresh insights and help you develop creative problem-solving skills.
  • Set yourself apart from the crowd. Employers are increasingly looking for people with global communication skills, yet only around 10% of US undergraduate students study abroad. Studying abroad can give you a competitive edge as you search for future jobs, internships, and graduate opportunities.

Want to get started? Email to learn more or to set an appointment with a study abroad advisor!

Photo taken by Yvette Clemons, Finland

Study Abroad Alumni

Student Spotlight: Juanita Rodriguez

Program: CEA Medical Spanish Immersion in Buenos Aires

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

"My favorite part of my study abroad experience was shadowing doctors in the hospitals. They were so  eager to teach us different topics - they even wrote on napkins to show different diseases and organs involved. I still have the napkins!"

What was the greatest challenge you faced while abroad?

"The greatest challenge I faced was being overwhelmed with not understanding the language 100% of the time and lack of sleep."

How has your study abroad experience impacted your life?

 "My experience impacted my life significantly and I am still unpacking it all. One thing I know for sure is it confirmed my passion for medicine and put some practicality to why I am taking the classes, getting the hours, doing 'the things'."

What advice would you give to a student who is considering studying abroad?

"Get started as soon as possible. Don't neglect your feelings of anxiety or nerves - talk to someone about it, you aren't alone! Research the location and find five locations you want to see and five restaurants you want to try! Take a deep breath."

Student Spotlight: Abby Lemming

studentProgram: CEA CAPA Granada Study + Internship Program

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

"My favorite part during studying abroad was experiencing language immersion like I had never experienced before. Living with a host family, living life in Granada like a local, and having all of my classes in Spanish allowed me to grow in my language knowledge so much, and I am extremely grateful for that."

What was the greatest challenge you faced while abroad?

"I believe the greatest challenge I faced while studying abroad was accepting that there are good days and bad days. There are so many factors involved with study abroad that it can be overwhelming. The planning, the financial plan, the preparation, the flight to your new country, and the leaving what you know behind. It all plays an important role in preparing to study abroad. And once you arrive, you will have good days and bad days with language immersion, with travel, with everything. It was hard for me to accept this, but once I experienced many kinds of days, I learned even more about myself during that experience."

What advice would you give to a student who is considering studying abroad?

"My advice is don't be afraid and lean into the chaos. There are so many factors involved in the time leading up to study abroad as well as during your experience, but lean into the chaos. You will learn things about yourself you never knew, try so many new things, and simply become a better version of yourself. So in all the craziness, let it happen. Don't compare yourself to other people, don't be afraid to make mistakes in your learned language, and don't be discouraged when the unexpected happens. Lean in, grow, and have an amazing adventure."

Student Spotlight: Gianna Feld

Program: Marian University's Harlaxton Faculty-led Program

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

"My favorite part of studying abroad was the food, people watching, and growing closer with the group I was with."

How has your study abroad experience impacted your life?

"Seeing different countries and how they function totally changed my view on everyday life. I find myself now comparing social norms, education systems, and other things to how we live in the US. I think that it has opened my mind to think with more of a broad worldview."

What advice would you give to a student who is considering studying abroad?

"I would advise them to get Apple Pay on their phone, as it makes travelling in the Tube and paying for everything much easier. I would also advise them to pack light and not bring a huge suitcase like I did. I would recommend bringing extra money to try new foods, as the lunches they provide on the go are not the biggest . I brought a digital camera and that was fun to take photos with. I would also recommend bringing a pair of comfy sneakers. I think that students who are second guessing going should just do it. I barely knew anyone in my class, but we all grew very close and roomed with different people. I loved meeting new people beyond my friend I went with, I think that was my favorite part!"

Student Spotlight: Faith Abatayo

study abroad

Program: CEA Medical Spanish Immersion in Buenos Aires

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

"My favorite part of my study abroad experience was being able to experientially learn about the healthcare system and about scientific research through shadowing. I was able to gain 60 hours of shadowing in a variety of specialties, from neurology and neurosurgery to molecular genetics and physical therapy. My shadowing experience allowed me to practice my Spanish speaking skills and form connections with the doctors, residents, and medical students."

How has your study abroad experience impacted your life?

"My study abroad experience has impacted my life because I learned how to truly be independent in all aspects. This independence allowed me to learn what my strengths and weaknesses were and gave me the chance to form connections with others. I was able to meet so many people from around the world and also around the US, who all came from different backgrounds. This enabled me to gain new perspectives on the world, especially since the cultural beliefs in Argentina are so different. My study abroad experience has stimulated and bolstered my desire to travel and see the world and I hope to do so again in the future."

What advice would you give to a student who is considering studying abroad?

"I would suggest that you conduct a lot of research about the programs and the courses that you are interested in taking while abroad. I would also recommend doing research on the country or the city that you will be staying in as doing so allows you to make the most of your time while you are there. Additionally, it is important to be open-minded as the culture might be different from what you are used to, and being able to adapt quickly allows you to have fun."

Student Spotlight: Lindsey Meyer

student abroad

Program: USAC Lyon, France

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

"Making the friends I made and taking public transportation.  It was really nice to walk everywhere and get on the trams and buses and the metro; it really made the city accessible.  I also didn't realize I'd learn so much about the United States when I went abroad!  Only around 3 other people in the program were from the Midwest, so it was cool to see what phrases were and weren't used across the States and some minute cultural differences."

What was the most interesting thing you learned about your host culture?

"Everything is much smaller.  Roads (except for the main ones), apartments, fridges, portion sizes, grocery stores, etc.  You're expected to go grocery shopping more than once a week to get fresh ingredients, and the bread you buy goes stale in two days (unless you get bagged bread, which, why would you do that when you can get a baguette for 0.99!!!).  It takes a lot of planning and consideration."

How has your study abroad experience impacted your life?

It's given me another lens with which to see the world.  I had several before going abroad: I could see the world through gender, sex, sexuality, race, religion, class, ability, and now, after studying abroad, an international lens.  Its weird to go out of the country for more than a few weeks and realize just how America-centric the Western world is.  And, you just don't see that when you live in the States because, to you, the States is most of your world.

What advice would you give to a student who is considering studying abroad?

Go for it, but plan wisely.  Look everywhere for scholarships, even if you don't think you'll get them.  But also, this is an opportunity of a lifetime!  When else will you get to live abroad for several weeks on end?  When you decide to go, save up and know how you're getting food and what you have to buy and what you can bring with you.  And enjoy yourself!

Student Spotlight: Anne Hoffman


Programs: Marian University German Hospital Internship and Salzburg College

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

"My favorite part was able to be in the surgery room with the surgeons while they were performing a procedure. I also loved the field trips to Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen. Visiting Dr. Feldmann's house was incredibly fun as well. For Salzburg, all the excursions we did were amazing! I learned so much about the culture and history of the city." 

How has your study abroad experience impacted your life?

"I want to travel more. I feel like I've become more independent and am willing to travel alone now."

What advice would you give to a student who is considering studying abroad?

"Try to learn the language if you're going to a country that does not speak English. Keep an open mind when you encounter another culture."

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