Noelany Pelc, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology

(317) 955-6333
Oldenburg Hall, Room 015


Dr. Noelany Pelc earned her bachelor’s in Psychology and master’s in Clinical Psychology from Roosevelt University in Chicago, IL. During her training and post-graduation, she gained clinical experience working with women and children who were survivors of trauma and relational violence, particularly as those experiences intersected with marginalized and disenfranchised identities. She gained experience working with Latina community outreach and crisis intervention in the Chicagoland area of Illinois. Dr. Pelc earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, TX, focusing on feminist and multicultural issues. She gathered experience working with college counseling students, dual-diagnosis mental health concerns and cross-addiction within a residential setting, and training in psychological assessment for impaired professionals. 

Dr. Pelc is a licensed psychologist in the state of New York and in Indiana, and previously served as the Clinical Coordinator for MA/EdS students in Professional Counseling and School Counseling before serving as the Academic Director of the online School Counseling and Professional Counseling programs for two years at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. She is active in APA’s Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), the Society for Teaching of Psychology (STP) and in the Advancement for Women in Psychology (AWP). Her current areas of research center on experience of women in the Academy, the socialization of polarized national attitudes. and applications of cultural humility in research, teaching and mentorship. Her professional interests include relational-cultural theory, feminist theory, and pedagogy.

Representative publications

Sliwak, R.M., Lee, S., Pelc, N. (2020). Domestic Violence in Sport: Complexities and Ethical Issues for Psychologists. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 44 (3), 199-213. 

Pelc, N., Hasan, N.T., & Mollen, D. (2020). Feminist storytelling: Representing the stories of diverse women in psychology. Women & Therapy, 43, 1-17. 

Pelc, N. & Mollen, D. (2020). Special Issue Conclusion: Representing the Stories of Diverse Women in Psychology. Women & Therapy, 43, 

*Graziano, M.J., & Pelc, N. (2019). Learning doesn’t occur in rows. An immersive model for teaching gender. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, Online First, *Authors are ordered alphabetically and contributed equally.

Abbott, D., Pelc, N., & Mercier, C. (2019). Cultural humility and the teaching of psychology. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 5, 161-181. 

Pelc, N., & Mollen, D. (2017, July). End of life and existential issues. In K. Nadal (Ed.)., The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. SAGE Publications.

Representative presentations

Kaslow, N., Kawakara, D.K., Tsong, Y., Mollen, D. (August, 2020). Mentorship and Leadership: Diverse Female Perspectives and Feminist Identity. In N. Pelc & D. Mollen (Chairs), Division 17 at the 128th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Virtual Conference. 

Leggett, M., Pelc, N., & Horst, L. (February, 2020). A tale as old as time and other dreams your heart makes: A qualitative analysis of Disney remakes around sexual agency. Annual Association for Women in Psychology Convention, Austin, TX. 

Kim-Martin, K., Rodriguez, Y., Thomopolous, E., & Pelc, N. (February, 2018). Spirituality, gender and the pursuit of social justice: Phenomenological narratives of doctoral psychology trainees. Roundtable Presentation, 35th Annual Winter Roundtable Conference, Columbia University, February 2018, New York, NY. 

Abbott, D.M. & Pelc, N. (August, 2018). Cultural Humility in Psychological Research and Pedagogy. 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA. 

Pelc, N. (2017, October). Visible Minorities and Immigrants: The Socialization of Disgust, Dehumanization and Criminalization. Boston College Diversity Challenge. Boston, MA. 

Pelc, N. & Graziano, M. (2017, October). Different standpoints: Teaching gender by acknowledging social locations. Boston College Diversity Challenge. Boston, MA. 

Pelc, N. (2017, October). Group Therapy Soliloquies: Applying Social Learning Theory to Clinical Training. The Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching. San Antonio, TX. 

Pelc, N., & Mollen. D. (2014, August). Ethnicity, generational cohort, and the American dream. Presented at the American Psychological Association annual conference. Washington, DC.

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